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Basuki to Lead City’s Anniversary Commemoration This Year

Due to Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo is currently on leave as Jakarta Governor and focused on his activities as presidential candidate in the 2014 Presidential Election which will be held on July 9, acting Jakarta Governor Basuki T Purnama will replace his position.

Mr. Jokowi will not participate in city’s anniversary commemoration this year

Basuki will lead the peak event of Jakarta’s 487th anniversary that will be staged on Jalan MH Thamrin-Medan Barat, Central Jakarta, on upcoming Saturday (6/21). He will also walk along City Hall-HI Roundabout to greet Jakartans in the Youngster Night Festival or Malam Muda Mudi.

Mr. Jokowi will not participate in city’s anniversary commemoration this year,” stated Chairman of Jakarta’s 487th Anniversary Committee, Bambang Sugiyono, at City Hall, Tuesday (6/3).

Basuki Led Jakarta Anniversary Launching

According to Sugiyono, the implementation of Youngster Night Festival gets corporate social responsibility (CSR) from a lamp company that will make Monas and HI Roundabout become more sparkling. There are at least seven entertainment stages in the event that will be held at 7-11 PM.

“In between stages there will be booths set up for small and medium enterprises (UKM). It is guaranteed that Jakarta’s anniversary this year will be as festive as previous years,” he exclaimed.

Then on June 22, Basuki is slated to lead various events that begin with the attendance check in Silang Monas Court and continued with plenary meeting with Jakarta Legislative Council (DPRD). For the peak event is the evening reception with the ambassadors to friendly countries at the City Hall where a Color Photography Exhibition will also take place.

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